Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Gaming Console Sorter

The gaming console sorter has existed for ages and has surprisingly never broken down.

 First, the company approves the console and sends it through a small tunnel sending it to the sorter.
When it comes out of the tunnel it drops into a big bucket with all different consoles, slowly the consoles come out of the bucket onto a conveyor belt which takes into the sorter-otter machine.

(The sorter-otter machine separates all the different console brands like PlayStation and Xbox). The conveyor belt takes it to the sorter-otter machine and because of its extremely smart technology it scans the logo on the console and places it into the bucket with all the same consoles in it.

Before it gets packed in the box a machine called the scratch-o-detecter senses if it gained any scratches while getting sorted, if it did gain a scratch the machine removes all the pieces and send the pieces back to the company so they can reuse it.

 Now the consoles get packed by the pack-e-track-e. The pack-e-track-e is stuck on the roof and drops on top of the console leaving and after leaving a cardboard box and again because of its smart technology it knows what console goes in what box.

Finally, the final product will go through a pipe, the pipe will lead to a store that sells the consoles


Now the consoles are in the store and ready to be bought.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Alpine Habitats

What is an Alpine habitat?

Alpine habitats are in the mountains above the area trees grow. Spectacular plants and animals have adapted to this merciful place called Alpine habitat. The Alpine zone can be spotted upper limit of trees and lower limit of snow. New Zealand's Alpine area is 30,000 square kilometers. In the Alpine habitat has no trees because it’s too cold for trees to grow.

Animals in Alpine habitat

Alpine habitat is home to a big bundle of animals some are: Rock wren, Kea, Pippa, Takahe, Great-spotted Kiwi, etc. These animals like all animals have threats. Threats are horrible but sadly it’s the way of life. Some of these threats to Alpine animals are Stoats, Possums, and Mice.


I honestly think the Alpine habitat is an interesting zone and I hope you learned a thing or two about Alpine habitats.

Buddy Comment
I Matthew have read your writing and I like how you used lots of idea's maybe to improve use more punctuation

Image result for alpine habitat

Monday, October 14, 2019

Natural Made vs Human Made

Natural life link

Human-made Sky Tower

My Charming Holiday

YAWN!!! "time for school" I explain to my brother. wait a second why is everyone sleeping in ?, (i go to my calendar) YAY!!! it's the school holiday, oops I wake up mum.

Man, I needed this, Mr. Mc's probably having the time of his life. I enjoy watching rugby so I watched the world cup the game I watched was:
NZ vs Canada 63-0 NZ won
NZ vs Namibia 71-9 NZ won
NZ vs Italy 0-0 this game was canceled due to a big storm.
Now NZ is in the quarter-finals and I'm itching for it to come.

I hade a great time on Friday and Saturday, on Friday I and my family went on the train for the first time and it was a spectacular day. On Saturday we went to two laser tag games one indoor and on outdoor, I was disgusted when I arrived at the outdoor on because it was rainy in the mud was squishy, it was no ordinary rain, the rain was so heavy it was like thunder hitting the ground but it was fun. In the indoor laser tag, I came 2nd than in round two I came 4th place.

To sum up I enjoyed my holidays and I deeply think we needed it.

Cool writing, you had a good holiday but add some speech.


Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Book Review - Ants On The March

Book Review - The Ant Army

Finishing a story starter

Finishing a story starter

As I was sleeping the blobs of rain started to crash on the window, I suddenly woke up. I slowly got out of bed. I stared out the window at the magical floating house like it was my prey.  I saw that the cable of the crane starting to snap I looked closer and I see a human-shaped figure gazing at me! I fell back in my head the figure moved closer and closer and in a blink of an eye, it's right in front of me. The mystical house of horror was moving towards me every second. I wash my face wanting to be a dream.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Pepeha Description

"HI" I loudly alert to a person from the UK. Me, I openly introduce myself with a warming pepeha.
Nō Tamakitakoto ahau
Kō Uzayr toku ingoa.

I live in Auckland.
My name is Uzayr

A pepeha is a simple introduction to a visitor but it is said in Maori. Some stuff said in a pepeha are your mountain, your sea, your river, your mum and dads name and your name and country.

It's normally said in a Marae or a Maori party or occasion.

To sum up, a pepeha is a Maori way of introducing your self, normally said in a Marae or a Maori party or occasion mabey even a school assembly.

Calendar Art Advertisement

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Synonyms and Alternative Words Week 6 t3

Animal Idioms Part 2

Sorry we did only a little bit, but it would have been to long.

Tips For X Country

Before the race: Have a healthy diet (sugar-free drinks). Exercise and train. Have a good feeling about the race. assemble your clothing and footwear (must be appropriate). Sleep well the night before the race. Go to the toilet before so you have an extreme focus on the race. Practice your breathing. Regularly walk around the course so you know the course by heart. If you have shoes and the mud is soggy make sure you tie it so it does not fall off. During the race Have a drink Hydrate (water only). Strech so you don't pull a muscle. Set a goal. Run at a steady pace. Jog at the beginning and go flash at the end. Don't look backward concentrate on the finish line. If your friends want to have a jolly good chat with you, don't get distracted just keep going. After the race Make sure you drink loads of water and hydrate. Shake that pain and sweat off, have a slow jog or walk.
Stretch. Have a rest and cool down.

Image result for gif runningImage result for stick man drinking gifImage result for stick man stretching gif

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Life Cycle of a Monarch Butterfly

WEEEE!! I'm going round and round on spinney wheel in the park ( this made me think). Have you heard of a life cycle, life cycles keep on going round and round like before when I was on the spinney wheel. From the title, you probably know what I am going to explain today, the life cycle of a Monarch butterfly.

The first stage is very obvious, the mummy lays the egg (simple).

The next process is extremely interesting. the butterflies egg hatches into a caterpillar once the caterpillar emerges from its egg it goes and sustains its young life.

Eventually its so-called sustainable young life upgrades into the evolution where they make a cocoon called the pupa stage.

finally after a week or so it erupts out of its cocoon and turns into a butterfly.

So going from the past when I talked about the egg, The size of the egg is HUGE (just joking) it is tiny like a raindrop. Back into the past when I saw a Butterfly, there look is so unerasable. Next time you see a butterfly count the stages and see if I was right (believe me it'll take a long time).

Good job but add more technical words


Related image

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Why stars look like they twinkle

Why stars look like they twinkle

One day you look up into the majestic sky at night and you see many stars scintillate.

Usually, you look up into the sky and the stars look like they are blinking, well what you see is wrong stars don't actually twinkle but the atmosphere changes your sight. The reason why they look like they twinkle is that the stars go through turbulent causing the star to look like they are twinkling.

When you look up into the night sky again there are unusual stars that don't twinkle, well those are actually planets. The information behind this is that the planets are closer and in front of the turbulent, so the planets don't twinkle.

to sum up, the hole this is just an optical illusion. They don't actually your eyes just think they twinkle.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

synonyms and definitions

sorry if you did not hear, they were my classmates

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

How The Future Could Be Dangerous Speech (not official copy)

How The Future Could Be Dangerous

Hi, my name is Uzayr and today I will persuade you on how the future could be dangerous.”Hey come and look at this, Fortnite has turned into the future.’’So that made me think, Wait for a second, have you ever thought if the future could have a bad impact on our life or even worse dangerous. Yep, that's right I’m going to talk about how the future could be dangerous.

So first of all what you want to know is that we will have robots in the future and here is what will happen. “Hi, I have purchased a robot’’ good job man(or woman) you earned yourself a laser beaming, crazy and untrustworthy robot while the seller is setting on his throne saying “I got billions for that killing thing, Ok let's get into the science and sophisticated stuff. A Korean bought a robot and found that the robot has sucked his hair off and all robot owner have found that they are killers as well as they only care about themselves. Scientist says “every human activity will be replaced with robots’’ so that means we will not learn anything.

Nextly some jobs will be taken out of access so some will lose their jobs and may end up as poor people, the jobs that will be taken are Travel agents, Cashiers, Librarians, Postal Couriers, Bank Tellers, Textile Workers, The Print Industry and Sports Referees and Umpires. So sorry for those who lose their jobs in 2030.

And my last point is Risk Of Technology. As you can already tell that there will be a lot of technology, but then there will be a lot of cyberbullying like scams, swearing, and hacking.

Hope you found this informative and hope you take my advice and use it.
Buddy comment
Good spelling just add some personal voice

BMB Jonathan

Monday, May 13, 2019

Jump Jam

Jump Jam

Today there was a slight twist (but it was spectacular). It was due to a Jump Jam session but including the one and only Brett (the chief commander of Jump Jam.) So basically, he was singing along and… well, actually let’s start from the beginning.
I tell everyone it’s whole school jump jam today and I revitalize my mind and switch it into party mode. As soon as I go outside everywhere I look it’s rambunctious “SSSHHH get into your lines’’ vehemently said sorting out other kids. Everyone goes reticent.

Brett’s first song was Can’t stop the feeling. The next one was Freak, after that, it was the coconut song (this is Mr. Mc’s favorite) and the last one was the despicable me song setting down.

pices basic

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Ramadhan is a Islamic tradition witch us Muslims celebrate

Ramadan (Arabic: رمضان) or Ramadhan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and the month in which the Quran was revealed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Fasting during the month of Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and the others are Shahadah: sincerely reciting the Muslim profession of faith. Salat: performing ritual prayers in the proper way five times each day. Zakat: paying an alms (or charity) tax to benefit the poor and the needy. Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca.

Here's a link 

What is Ramadhan?

Monday, April 8, 2019

My recount about my weekend

YAY!!!. After a long (when I mean long I mean extremely long) week at school finally the weekend has unleashed....
ZZZZ WOW “what was that dream’’ I think while adrenaline goes through my veins .“Uzayr remember saturdays your brothers soccer games’’ Ah OH  I get up have a little shower and get my clothes on and I look outside and the rain is hammering down like a machine gun rapidly firing bullets, I think why today.
When we got  there I was confused because there was no one there but I look at my watch and we were early from 30 minutes
  To be continued....
good but I think you should use something else than unleashed
comment by Leroy

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Kevin the minions new job

Image result for kevin the minionKevin the minions new job

We woo we woo beep beep breaking news Kevin the minion comes in his Porsche limousine to his new job ahhhh!!! wait for it it's getting released in three, two, one dan dan daaaaan!. He got the pleasure of being a toilet cleaner!!! The crowd goes wild AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!. One minute later kevin says “me head stuck in toilet’’

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Owl And The Wasp

The Owl And The Wasp

I can see his minuscule eyes shouting “HELP HELP’’ but I couldn't resist I NEED FOOD!!!

But thoughts go through my immeasurable elephant mind (because elephant remember everything  mind) about if he has a plan, suddenly this might happen or this might happen, so I think and think…

DAN DAN DAAAAAN!!! I figured out a plan, I will strike for his tiny head so he can’t think any more. To be continued….

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Hunt Of The Secret Menalium

The Hunt of the secret menalium

100, 1000 years ago a fantastic King sir king Russell went to adventure a forest but it was no kind of normal forest it was an enchanted on. It was as putrefying as a ancient skeleton. The apples were transparent, the ground was breathing, the wolf's vomited and the grass and leaves were edible. He wanted to explore more so he searched more, after a while exploring  he walked across a terifiting trap and fell into a haunted temple underground. He came across an aged trophy witch said menalium and he said “wow’’