Thursday, March 14, 2019

Kevin the minions new job

Image result for kevin the minionKevin the minions new job

We woo we woo beep beep breaking news Kevin the minion comes in his Porsche limousine to his new job ahhhh!!! wait for it it's getting released in three, two, one dan dan daaaaan!. He got the pleasure of being a toilet cleaner!!! The crowd goes wild AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!. One minute later kevin says “me head stuck in toilet’’

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Owl And The Wasp

The Owl And The Wasp

I can see his minuscule eyes shouting “HELP HELP’’ but I couldn't resist I NEED FOOD!!!

But thoughts go through my immeasurable elephant mind (because elephant remember everything  mind) about if he has a plan, suddenly this might happen or this might happen, so I think and think…

DAN DAN DAAAAAN!!! I figured out a plan, I will strike for his tiny head so he can’t think any more. To be continued….

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Hunt Of The Secret Menalium

The Hunt of the secret menalium

100, 1000 years ago a fantastic King sir king Russell went to adventure a forest but it was no kind of normal forest it was an enchanted on. It was as putrefying as a ancient skeleton. The apples were transparent, the ground was breathing, the wolf's vomited and the grass and leaves were edible. He wanted to explore more so he searched more, after a while exploring  he walked across a terifiting trap and fell into a haunted temple underground. He came across an aged trophy witch said menalium and he said “wow’’