Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Gaming Console Sorter

The gaming console sorter has existed for ages and has surprisingly never broken down.

 First, the company approves the console and sends it through a small tunnel sending it to the sorter.
When it comes out of the tunnel it drops into a big bucket with all different consoles, slowly the consoles come out of the bucket onto a conveyor belt which takes into the sorter-otter machine.

(The sorter-otter machine separates all the different console brands like PlayStation and Xbox). The conveyor belt takes it to the sorter-otter machine and because of its extremely smart technology it scans the logo on the console and places it into the bucket with all the same consoles in it.

Before it gets packed in the box a machine called the scratch-o-detecter senses if it gained any scratches while getting sorted, if it did gain a scratch the machine removes all the pieces and send the pieces back to the company so they can reuse it.

 Now the consoles get packed by the pack-e-track-e. The pack-e-track-e is stuck on the roof and drops on top of the console leaving and after leaving a cardboard box and again because of its smart technology it knows what console goes in what box.

Finally, the final product will go through a pipe, the pipe will lead to a store that sells the consoles


Now the consoles are in the store and ready to be bought.

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